
Wie reinigt man Motorteile aus Aluminium?

how to clean aluminium engine parts


The engine parts shell is cleaned with excessive strain water gun. Reinigungsstrategien sind wie folgt:

1. Elektrogeräte im Auto sind mit einer Plastikfolie geschützt, und die obere Seite der Folie wird mit einem halbnassen Tuch geschützt, um zu verhindern, dass stark beanspruchtes Wasser in den Verteiler eindringt;

2. Use high strain water gun to wash the dirt in the engine room and out of doors the engine from the side down;

3. Spray the engine external cleansing agent around the soaked engine and cabin;

4. Easy all accessible components within the engine room with a fiber brush;

5. Use high stress water gun to quickly easy the dirt washed away by means of the brush;

6. Spray the engine external cleansing agent frivolously across the soaked engine and engine room;

7. Easy all on hand parts in the engine room with a fiber brush;

8. Use high strain water gun to speedy easy the dust washed away by way of the comb;

9. Spray engine outside cleansing agent at the engine floor;

10. Wipe the dry wiped clean engine with a semi-wet towel, and blot the areas that are not easily reached by using palms with the vacuum air dryer;

11. Polish the plastic and rubber components within the engine room with plastic and rubber shielding agent, and coat the metallic parts.

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